Poem-A-Day 2020-2021
North Florida Poetry Hub celebrated National Poetry Month by posting contributed poems sent in by poets from all over the world.

Poem-A-Day Challenge 2021
National Poetry Week Poem #1
We are not the first
We will not be the last
to stand upon this rock
The victors of evolutionary warfare
Dominant for this moment in time
and blinded to our inevitable fate
Unlike the mastodon
Whose footprints are frozen in the mud
and rock of ages
There may be nothing left to mark our passage here
All traces lost in the coming collapse
of the digital creature we called life
And nothing but ivory towers thin as glass
to serve as a warning
for whoever comes next
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #2
they sip cappuccino
and wander around
feigning knowledge of deep intellectuals
with culture and higher aspirations
reality haunts their heels
and takes a sharp nip
reminding them of the goal
much designed and set to play
as traps are carefully laid
to catch over-hunted beasts
by hungry bookstore babes.
© Ruth Van Alstine 1997
National Poetry Week Poem #3
You sit on the porch if you’re over twelve
Or in a tree if you’re under sixteen.
You listen to the hum of the night.
The hazy heat embraces you.
It gives you the warmth
Your mother once breathed into you.
The night breathes... it breathes and lives.
It gives your skin the pleasure of a full stomach,
Your senses the pleasure of relaxed nothingness.
You talk to the darkness, without saying a word
And the trees and shrubs answer.
There’s a fizz in the grass, a scurrying nocturnal.
Your mind is lulled in the August night.
You think of molten memories: cherry-sweet lips, youth.
You play with your thoughts and let the night play along.
You trust the night. You release your feelings into it,
You let them enter the dark to be touched and felt by it
Before you’d retrieve them. You teach the night how to have feelings.
You breathe the warm air in,
And it breathes you into itself.
The unassuming disciple, confidante, soul mate.
You and the August night.
© Andrew Szemeredy
National Poetry Week Poem #4
Lotus of the New Moon
Midnight sky remembers
‘neath caliginous lotus
of New Moon
and screed of stars
within itself
and shadows of time
reach out
They conceal and reveal
and encompass
with indigo velvet
dreaming all
into forever hopes
before today
and beyond tomorrow
© Doc Janning
National Poetry Week Poem #5
Another Blanket for Our Bed
I scoot nearer the valley of warmth
your body has made.
My wakened breath a quicker tempo
than the long steady draw of yours.
In the moonlight, I study the contours of your shape—
the paths that lead to safe handholds and footholds.
And I fear the cold country that lies ahead.
Tonight, the moon, changeable and lovely,
has climbed like a child into the limbs of the chestnut.
It chastises me for my wanton attempt at thievery,
for my insistence on surety. I rise
and pad through the hush of the house
to find another blanket for our bed.
© Shutta Crum
National Poetry Week Poem #6
my first language
was Repression
my father
banned the Portuguese
from lingua de minha mae
to set sail the empired seas
for the white man's navy
minha mae, a foreign woman
from the first country
to invent racism
in Wasp country
where here
she was
only allowed
to speak
what she didn’t know
but her blood did
my black pai
to be,
be free
the color
of my mother's
and his father's
my white mother
a woman
his Patriarchy
i bloomed
as her English
nursed on silence
my first language
a kind of colonized
Portuguese, American
Kriol, the Unsaid
every other word: Subversion
my first language
my first language
as a brown
as immigrants'
my favorite word:
my most used:
my most joyful
Avo Juice
great grandmother Ju
who’s soft ashblack, paperbrown
smelled like
a longing
the Alzheimer’s
couldn't forget
when you
learn a language late or broken
you learn it
as an accessory, a tool, a weapon
when you learn it whole
with the afterbirth
you learn it
like these are your own thoughts
your own breathing
they said
i spoke early
but a broken
made-up version
of what i wasn’t allowed to know
and shouldn't
and so
there are things
in this country
that will never translate
the way you believe power
© Drea
National Poetry Week Poem #7
rippling blue water
cumulus clouds sail blue skies
awaiting return
© Ruth Van Alstine
NOTE: the 45 line limit for poems starts here 4/2/2021 - thank you for your submissions! Awesome! :)
National Poetry Week Poem #8
Before meeting we dated diurnals
who lacked true respect for the moon.
We understand ourselves as nocturnals
for whom sunlight equates to gloom.
We both clock in and out on a keyboard,
commuting just to the kitchen.
We feel our backward schedule is forward
though such may be deemed unchristian.
We treat the printed news deliverer,
who visits at oh dark thirty,
as an actual family member
whom we ask if they are thirsty.
Our blood relations don’t accept our way.
They wish us to act like others
and renounce domestic nightlife for day.
Our habit transcends mere druthers.
© Stephen Stokes
National Poetry Week Poem #9
To dance and not be the dancer
To walk and not be the walker
Life is in the being not in the doing
To think and not be the thinker
To look and not be the looker
In this way to see more and deeper
To love and not be the lover
To feel and not be the feeler
In this way to be peace
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #10
In a world of unknown lasts
Last words, last kisses, last sights, last rites
May I be the first to notice those lasts
And in knowing them recognize the holiness of every
Book left unread
Trip left untaken
Dream left undreamt
Rocking chair left unrocked
Flower left unpicked
The unlived moments that pass us by
The unknown lasts
Known at last
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #11
There will be a moment of silence
I will put down the phone
You will turn off the computer
The student will study no more
The broadcaster will speak to an audience of none
And we will all glance up
And meet ourselves in the eyes of strangers
The children will emerge from their electronic stupors
The parents will look at them with new eyes
And say very simply
The shop keeper will gaze up and out
Into his city
The hungry and poor will gaze back
And for once their eyes will meet
with no judgement
The imam and the preacher will discover
that the walls and ceilings of their sanctuaries
Are more the barriers to heaven than the way
They will knock them down with a silent roar
And God will fill the space created by their destruction
The left and the right will fight no more
As soldiers lay down their arms
And meet under the shade tree of peace
And the waters of freedom
To wash the blood from their hands and hearts
This moment of silence
This brief second of humanity
Floats somewhere in the photoelectric corners of the universe
Waiting for birth
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #12
Wait for that moment
at the end of the day
When the clamor of voices becomes hushed
When the incessant chime of the phone ceases
When the kitchen smells like sunsets and mother's cooking
Wait for that moment
when dawn breaks
When even the birds stop and take notice
When the trees raise their arms and point to God
When all heaven and earth tremble from the silence of the beauty
Wait for them
Memorize them
Fold in to and around them
Until those moment are all there is
and all there will ever be
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #13
How long has it been since you sang in the shower
Walked barefoot on the earth
Plunged in to the briny depths of the ocean
and felt the burn of the water in your nose and eyes
When did you last speak a truth no one wanted to hear
Walked through your house naked
allowing the curves and bumps of you to shake along
without judgement or concern
Wielded your ninja sword and fought off the demons in your mind
I last held a rollie pollie when I was ten
How can 33 years have passed
without the wonders of the dirt and her creatures
passing through my mind and hands
And as the list grows
I become painfully aware of the mask of adulthood
The skin I wear, the words I say that mark me as complete
grown, a finished product of the system
Who no longer remembers the joys of youth
Or the wisdom of childhood
And the loss of those joys is the tragedy of my life
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #14
I believe in magic, don’t you?
For what other explanation
Is there for the beauty of a sunset,
Or the rustling leaves by soft breeze?
Most folk would say,
“Tis only the world spinning
Round its sun,
Simple science, really.”
But those of us with special eyes
See the world differently
And reject the explanation of
Logic, theory and knowledge.
With innocent naïveté we see
Earth, sun, sea and stars as being
Spun by fairies dancing in the moonlight,
And worldly troubles caused by grumpy trolls.
Yes, I believe in magic,
To beat back the black edges,
Keeping one foot moving forward
To stay in the warm sunlight.
Others might say, how naïve that
Girl, dancing in the mists of the Valley,
Not acknowledging the dark before her,
Logic does tell blackness will succumb her.
Oh, yes, I believe in magic,
It gives me want to breathe
With joyful song lightheartedly.
And that’s enough for me.
© Ruth Van Alstine
National Poetry Week Poem #15
True joy has no home in the heart
until grief has laid the foundation...
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #16
Worn by dreams she sat in the dark
next to the cold cast-iron stove
converted from wood to gas.
And when the sun returned
to warm her in spring she uncovered
the gardens that others had left behind.
It was not the white-hot sun
she’d known in her land
where colors flowed
like silken robes
inside the stench
of poverty and putrid waste.
Scratching the cold wet soil awake
she learned to like the stretch
she felt in her legs. Baring
the dirt of its sodden decay.
she found phantoms in the mountain
shadows, imagined she died again, her
dying a memory, a place where
beauty and sorrow walk hand
in hand silence ten paces
behind. When her daughters ask
how she’d been as a girl, she doesn’t think
to give them the answer she knows they are wanting.
We learned to let each other be,
she tells them. After time passed
we let each other be alone so long
alone was who we were.
© Nina Heiser
National Poetry Week Poem #17
from lofty offices
views breathless
birds soar high
in azure skies -
heaven’s sentinels
© Ruth Van Alstine
National Poetry Week Poem #18
Corona come softly
look me right in the eye
your power will fail you
as our courage does rise
this we shall weather
together we share in the storm
breathe through your heart love
this world we are part of
may ravage us now
but this isn’t the norm
I’ll dress in deep scarlet
dance like wild orchids in may
to the songs you will sing me
we’ll salvage our treasures
and take our small
pleasures today
we’ll measure the distance
Corona keeps us at bay
we shall not be broken
our force is our token
like the sun we shall rise
in radiance true harmony
Corona go softly
your time has drawn nigh
close your watery eyes
© Nina Heiser
National Poetry Week Poem #19
National Poetry Week Poem #7
rippling blue water
cumulus clouds sail blue skies
awaiting return
© Ruth Van Alstine; previously published in "A While Away" March, 2021
NOTE: the 45 line limit for poems starts here 4/2/2021 - thank you for your submissions! Awesome! :)
National Poetry Week Poem #8
Before meeting we dated diurnals
who lacked true respect for the moon.
We understand ourselves as nocturnals
for whom sunlight equates to gloom.
We both clock in and out on a keyboard,
commuting just to the kitchen.
We feel our backward schedule is forward
though such may be deemed unchristian.
We treat the printed news deliverer,
who visits at oh dark thirty,
as an actual family member
whom we ask if they are thirsty.
Our blood relations don’t accept our way.
They wish us to act like others
and renounce domestic nightlife for day.
Our habit transcends mere druthers.
© Stephen Stokes
National Poetry Week Poem #9
To dance and not be the dancer
To walk and not be the walker
Life is in the being not in the doing
To think and not be the thinker
To look and not be the looker
In this way to see more and deeper
To love and not be the lover
To feel and not be the feeler
In this way to be peace
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #10
In a world of unknown lasts
Last words, last kisses, last sights, last rites
May I be the first to notice those lasts
And in knowing them recognize the holiness of every
Book left unread
Trip left untaken
Dream left undreamt
Rocking chair left unrocked
Flower left unpicked
The unlived moments that pass us by
The unknown lasts
Known at last
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #11
There will be a moment of silence
I will put down the phone
You will turn off the computer
The student will study no more
The broadcaster will speak to an audience of none
And we will all glance up
And meet ourselves in the eyes of strangers
The children will emerge from their electronic stupors
The parents will look at them with new eyes
And say very simply
The shop keeper will gaze up and out
Into his city
The hungry and poor will gaze back
And for once their eyes will meet
with no judgement
The imam and the preacher will discover
that the walls and ceilings of their sanctuaries
Are more the barriers to heaven than the way
They will knock them down with a silent roar
And God will fill the space created by their destruction
The left and the right will fight no more
As soldiers lay down their arms
And meet under the shade tree of peace
And the waters of freedom
To wash the blood from their hands and hearts
This moment of silence
This brief second of humanity
Floats somewhere in the photoelectric corners of the universe
Waiting for birth
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #12
Wait for that moment
at the end of the day
When the clamor of voices becomes hushed
When the incessant chime of the phone ceases
When the kitchen smells like sunsets and mother's cooking
Wait for that moment
when dawn breaks
When even the birds stop and take notice
When the trees raise their arms and point to God
When all heaven and earth tremble from the silence of the beauty
Wait for them
Memorize them
Fold in to and around them
Until those moment are all there is
and all there will ever be
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #13
How long has it been since you sang in the shower
Walked barefoot on the earth
Plunged in to the briny depths of the ocean
and felt the burn of the water in your nose and eyes
When did you last speak a truth no one wanted to hear
Walked through your house naked
allowing the curves and bumps of you to shake along
without judgement or concern
Wielded your ninja sword and fought off the demons in your mind
I last held a rollie pollie when I was ten
How can 33 years have passed
without the wonders of the dirt and her creatures
passing through my mind and hands
And as the list grows
I become painfully aware of the mask of adulthood
The skin I wear, the words I say that mark me as complete
grown, a finished product of the system
Who no longer remembers the joys of youth
Or the wisdom of childhood
And the loss of those joys is the tragedy of my life
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #14
I believe in magic, don’t you?
For what other explanation
Is there for the beauty of a sunset,
Or the rustling leaves by soft breeze?
Most folk would say,
“Tis only the world spinning
Round its sun,
Simple science, really.”
But those of us with special eyes
See the world differently
And reject the explanation of
Logic, theory and knowledge.
With innocent naïveté we see
Earth, sun, sea and stars as being
Spun by fairies dancing in the moonlight,
And worldly troubles caused by grumpy trolls.
Yes, I believe in magic,
To beat back the black edges,
Keeping one foot moving forward
To stay in the warm sunlight.
Others might say, how naïve that
Girl, dancing in the mists of the Valley,
Not acknowledging the dark before her,
Logic does tell blackness will succumb her.
Oh, yes, I believe in magic,
It gives me want to breathe
With joyful song lightheartedly.
And that’s enough for me.
© Ruth Van Alstine
Previously published "Fairies and Fantasies" 1996 & 2016
National Poetry Week Poem #15
True joy has no home in the heart
until grief has laid the foundation...
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #16
Worn by dreams she sat in the dark
next to the cold cast-iron stove
converted from wood to gas.
And when the sun returned
to warm her in spring she uncovered
the gardens that others had left behind.
It was not the white-hot sun
she’d known in her land
where colors flowed
like silken robes
inside the stench
of poverty and putrid waste.
Scratching the cold wet soil awake
she learned to like the stretch
she felt in her legs. Baring
the dirt of its sodden decay.
she found phantoms in the mountain
shadows, imagined she died again, her
dying a memory, a place where
beauty and sorrow walk hand
in hand silence ten paces
behind. When her daughters ask
how she’d been as a girl, she doesn’t think
to give them the answer she knows they are wanting.
We learned to let each other be,
she tells them. After time passed
we let each other be alone so long
alone was who we were.
© Nina Heiser
National Poetry Week Poem #17
from lofty offices
views breathless
birds soar high
in azure skies -
heaven’s sentinels
© Ruth Van Alstine
National Poetry Week Poem #18
Corona come softly
look me right in the eye
your power will fail you
as our courage does rise
this we shall weather
together we share in the storm
breathe through your heart love
this world we are part of
may ravage us now
but this isn’t the norm
I’ll dress in deep scarlet
dance like wild orchids in may
to the songs you will sing me
we’ll salvage our treasures
and take our small
pleasures today
we’ll measure the distance
Corona keeps us at bay
we shall not be broken
our force is our token
like the sun we shall rise
in radiance true harmony
Corona go softly
your time has drawn nigh
close your watery eyes
© Nina Heiser
previously published in Of Poets & Poetry Vol 47.3
Poem-A-Day Challenge 2020
National Poetry Week Poem #1
April Fool's Day
It's gotta be a joke
what's happening around me,
people with masks and gloves,
who scurry pushing carts,
past empty grocery shelves.
Tomorrow's my last day for a hair cut,
Florida's governor signed an order
mandating everyone must stay home,
all but essential businesses to close.
There's this surreal feeling all around me,
I can't put my finger on it, like a dream,
I keep waiting to wake up and shake it off
everything go back the way it should be.
It's gotta be a joke,
It's April Fool's Day after all,
Isn't it?
4-1-2020 by Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem #2
shafts of sunlight pierce the window,
crisp skies like a pristine spring,
a pungent brew of Arabic beans
tug at tendrils of my insomnia
onto the edges of a viral crown.
4-2-2020 by Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem #4 Inspiration
blank pages lie open
in the ribbon bound book
on a sun dappled table
in shady window nook
awaiting poet's muse.....
By Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem # 5
by Stephen Stokes -
Sudsy Whiteout
I never wash my car by hand.
It’s not because I am lazy.
The weather does not understand.
Clouds should hold it in when hazy.
The yellow powder of pollen
coats my windows in the springtime.
The car is no worse for haulin’.
Please forbid rain in the meantime.
I do not mind to bend and stoop.
The effort is a good workout.
But it is calming being cooped
during a brief sudsy whiteout.
Nosing into the wet tunnel,
I put the vehicle in park.
Tracks allow my car to funnel
into promising semidark.
The car rumbles, even spasms,
but I myself feel safe inside,
experiencing braingasm.
It’s better than a theme park ride.
April, 2020 By Stephen Stokes. All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem # 6
i just
need a
quiet Moment
2018 By Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. May not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem # 7
buds tremble to bloom,
new leaves await unfurling
cycles with Spring, Life
4/9/2020 By Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem # 8
A New Landscape:
Never ending hills roll on,
searching for the illusive
ever moving Horizon.
We find ourselves in a new realm.
Danger lurks around and beyond
every crooked corner.
We are isolated, and yet
We are at one with the
unifying universe.
Calls come in from
Colombia, Arizona, Oneonta.
Childhood friends from the past
appear in the present.
A message out of the blue
from Farzana, a former
second grade student,
suddenly summons me,
thanking me
for teaching poetry
and making a difference.
Now a nurse,
she is heeding the desperate
call to arms,
like so many in her field.
What can we do?
for the safety of all, and
conger up our inner resources
to create
while we wait.
and wash our hands.
April, 2020 An original poem written by Poet and Author Sally Wahl Constain ~ All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem # 9
from cool mountain slopes
plucked Oolong tea leaves
brew the black dragon
6/12/2016 by Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem #10
Faithful Ancient Poets
embrace new passion with
reborn Corazon
(written in honor of Ancient City Poets, St Augustine, Florida for Open Mic 2019)
by Ruth Van Alstine All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem #11
The Hearts True Call
Reality is the totality of what we’ve been told
Biased to see things before they unfold.
Assuming we know and assigning roles
Is the epitome of missing the essence of the soul.
Yet if we knew the world wasn’t what we thought
We wouldn’t spend so much time defining our plot.
Those stories that loop and keep us confined
Are the blinding beliefs that control our mind.
The perceptions of doubt and fear of the unknown
Limit our ability to see what wants be shown.
The light, the truth, the possibilities beyond
What our minds could fathom if we were to actually respond
To the crazy, absurd, and unimaginable ideas
That drift through our awareness and give us the chills.
It’s those moments of knowing what our heart desires
That enlivens our soul and deeply inspires.
The action to move, to shift, and to change
A life out of balance is worth the exchange.
Of time, of tears, of the monumental growth
That will clear the way for a new conscious oath.
A recommitment to Self and the potential within
Letting go of our definition from way back when.
A vow to nurture the authentic being
That can build a life from truly seeing.
The beauty, the mystery, the wonderment of all
and sit in stillness to hear the hearts true call.
By Kristi Lee Schatz ~ All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
National Poetry Week Poem #12
Remember the time when the world stopped?
When we saw our homes, families and communities in a new way.
When life slowed to almost a halt and no one knew where to place their next step.
Remember how we tried to keep going to maintain meaning, to support those who were saving lives, and to reject the idea that something so horrific could take our spirits?
Remember how we found ways to connect, to re-identify ourselves and re-center our values on being versus doing?
Remember when we passed the time by keeping calm, laughing with our children and feeling the intense, surreal nature of our lives?
We were asked to stay home to serve our country while others were dying.
We hid in the pantry and ate snacks because we didn’t know what else to do and if we thought about it for too long, we thought we might lose our minds.
During that time, we dug deeper and felt more.
We were forced to become comfortable with uncertainty. Can you believe that led to our children growing up to reject the illusions of control we once held so tight?
We nurtured our children and they looked to us to know the basics were provided. We looked back at them and told them that we don’t know what’s in front of us but we will do the best we can with what we have. We told them that living simply helps Mother Earth and others to survive a little longer.
Remember the time when staying at home became dangerous, chaotic, and fragile for some while overwhelmingly comfortable for others?
The divide between the haves and have nots grew. Health disparities were undeniable. Families and marriages and careers fell apart while others thrived.
Remember how we responded to neighbors in need—we tipped extra well and shared our security to provide a minute of security for someone else?
We were vulnerable together. We found ourselves again, we touched our own humanity, and we quieted our minds to seek the person we knew ourselves to be but had lost in the spinning of time.
Remember the time when the world stopped, then started again?
By Kristi Lee Schatz ~ All Rights Reserved. Poem may not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent.
Poem-A-Day 2020
National Poetry Week Poem #13
We are not the first
We will not be the last
to stand upon this rock
The victors of evolutionary warfare
Dominant for this moment in time
and blinded to our inevitable fate
Unlike the mastodon
Whose footprints are frozen in the mud
and rock of ages
There may be nothing left to mark our passage here
All traces lost in the coming collapse
of the digital creature we called life
And nothing but ivory towers thin as glass
to serve as a warning
for whoever comes next
© Erin Cowart
National Poetry Week Poem #14
they sip cappuccino
and wander around
feigning knowledge of deep intellectuals
with culture and higher aspirations
reality haunts their heels
and takes a sharp nip
reminding them of the goal
much designed and set to play
as traps are carefully laid
to catch over-hunted beasts
by hungry bookstore babes.
© Ruth Van Alstine 1997
National Poetry Week Poem #15
You sit on the porch if you’re over twelve
Or in a tree if you’re under sixteen.
You listen to the hum of the night.
The hazy heat embraces you.
It gives you the warmth
Your mother once breathed into you.
The night breathes... it breathes and lives.
It gives your skin the pleasure of a full stomach,
Your senses the pleasure of relaxed nothingness.
You talk to the darkness, without saying a word
And the trees and shrubs answer.
There’s a fizz in the grass, a scurrying nocturnal.
Your mind is lulled in the August night.
You think of molten memories: cherry-sweet lips, youth.
You play with your thoughts and let the night play along.
You trust the night. You release your feelings into it,
You let them enter the dark to be touched and felt by it
Before you’d retrieve them. You teach the night how to have feelings.
You breathe the warm air in,
And it breathes you into itself.
The unassuming disciple, confidante, soul mate.
You and the August night.
© Andrew Szemeredy
National Poetry Week Poem #16
Lotus of the New Moon
Midnight sky remembers
‘neath caliginous lotus
of New Moon
and screed of stars
within itself
and shadows of time
reach out
They conceal and reveal
and encompass
with indigo velvet
dreaming all
into forever hopes
before today
and beyond tomorrow
© Doc Janning
National Poetry Week Poem #17
Another Blanket for Our Bed
I scoot nearer the valley of warmth
your body has made.
My wakened breath a quicker tempo
than the long steady draw of yours.
In the moonlight, I study the contours of your shape—
the paths that lead to safe handholds and footholds.
And I fear the cold country that lies ahead.
Tonight, the moon, changeable and lovely,
has climbed like a child into the limbs of the chestnut.
It chastises me for my wanton attempt at thievery,
for my insistence on surety. I rise
and pad through the hush of the house
to find another blanket for our bed.
© Shutta Crum
National Poetry Week Poem #18
my first language
was Repression
my father
banned the Portuguese
from lingua de minha mae
to set sail the empired seas
for the white man's navy
minha mae, a foreign woman
from the first country
to invent racism
in Wasp country
where here
she was
only allowed
to speak
what she didn’t know
but her blood did
my black pai
to be,
be free
the color
of my mother's
and his father's
my white mother
a woman
his Patriarchy
i bloomed
as her English
nursed on silence
my first language
a kind of colonized
Portuguese, American
Kriol, the Unsaid
every other word: Subversion
my first language
my first language
as a brown
as immigrants'
my favorite word:
my most used:
my most joyful
Avo Juice
great grandmother Ju
who’s soft ashblack, paperbrown
smelled like
a longing
the Alzheimer’s
couldn't forget
when you
learn a language late or broken
you learn it
as an accessory, a tool, a weapon
when you learn it whole
with the afterbirth
you learn it
like these are your own thoughts
your own breathing
they said
i spoke early
but a broken
made-up version
of what i wasn’t allowed to know
and shouldn't
and so
there are things
in this country
that will never translate
the way you believe power
© Drea
National Poetry Week Poem #19
Indigo, dahlia, aubergine:
Shades of nautical dawn.
As light unfolds from infinite darkness,
A new day has begun.
© Juliana Romnes
National Poetry Week Poem #20
In midst of nowhere,
A human did stand,
With bitter to stare,
Lost, displaced in a land.
As the brown willow to call,
The sorrowful but crestfallen bird,
To hold nathless not to fall,
Tranquil, soundless for no word.
Neither the gloomy skies do blow,
Nor the woeful day to go!
Syrian Educator and Writer
Ankara, Turkey
National Poetry Week Poem #21
Isolation sought
while we mask humanity
on pandemic's face
© Ruth Van Alstine; previously published in "A While Away" March, 2021
Displayed in Hope At Hand's JAXPoetryFEST Downtown Jacksonville, Florida April, 2021
National Poetry Week Poem #22

Poem-A-Day From the Sanctuary Kids 2020
The, This, and That Tear
A solo spoken word by Linnea Morrison
A tear, the night that we saw them fight raced down my face
A tear, one after another, they’re speeding like it’s a race-
BUT, this tear. Is it a part of, what’s not a part of, but what is
a part of this water cycle thing too
Because, if it could evaporate off my little face
I’d love for it to do.
But there was no way these were ordinary tears – no way I
could stop them –
I’m trying and trying but my happiness still couldn’t come
above them.
I’m crying and crying, but I’m not sad.
I don’t even want to believe in feelings, I thought to myself –
But I still just wanted to be glad –
These thoughts were getting to my head, my legs and stomach
From that point, I didn’t know what to do, so I sat there plump
like a pumpkin.
They came down my face so fast and so much that I forgot how the
The, This and That Tear began, but my sister reminded
A tear, the night we saw them fight rushed down my face
A tear, one after another, they’re speeding like it’s a race
Is it a part of, what’s not a part of, but what is
a part of this water cycle thing too.
Because if it could evaporate off of my little face
I’d love for it to do.
A Pill
A duet by Leah Grappie and Linnea Morrison
A pill.
One of the things that can kill people
in a second.
It doesn’t have to be a pill,
it can be a plant, food or drink.
And some people just don’t think
about the damage that it does to your
body and life.
It’s like walking
and getting attacked by a
beast from a beehive
Next thing you know,
all that we see,
they say,
“I pass it to you”, and
“you pass it to me.”
Now they’re both looking high as can be.
Now they say,
“I’ve only tried it twice, and I can do
all things possible!”
“But I only tried it once and ended up in the hospital!
Why do you sell this?
This is not good.
People think it’s a toy
Especially down in the hood.
People make these drugs the center of their lives.
Once they are gone, their family wonders
A pill.
One of the things that WILL kill people
in seconds.
A Shooting
A duet by Summer Green and Cherish Naples
A shooting can happen anywhere
at any time.
We heard a shooting happen
Right around the corner.
Kids should not have to worry about
walking to the park and getting shot.
was how it sounded
And then we heard a car driving off-
Everybody was scared.
We hid under tables and chairs.
Kids should not have to worry about that.
A duet by Diane Franks and Lelah Morrison
I hate it when you bully me.
That’s not nice, stop bullying.
You shouldn’t do it.
It’s not good for you.
It’s a bad idea.
You will get in trouble.
We are warning you.
Do NOT do it!
Somebody called me a loser.
Somebody tripped me.
Somebody made fun of me.
But you know what’s really funny?
I’m still here…and you are
Stop bullying.
You shouldn’t do it.
It’s not good for you.
It’s a bad idea.
Do NOT do it.
You will get in trouble.
We are warning you.
DON’T DO IT! BULLY!!!!!!!!
A duet by Talethea Swain and Sanaiyah Poitier
People need Happiness.
Happiness needs to go place to place.
Happiness needs to go place to place.
It is a sign of gratefulness and appreciation.
Some people all over want to express their madness on others,
While others want to express their Happiness.
Just be happy.
Don’t let people take your Happiness.
People are dying because people want to put their madness on other people.
It’s not fair that people are dying
because of you.
Be a happy color.
Don’t be a dark color,
because it is not good to show off your madness.
What was that?
That was the sound of people putting their madness on other people.
You’re happy, but you know what’s crappy?
People putting their madness on other people.
My Dad
A solo by Cherish Naples
One day I was getting ready for school,
then my mom got a phone call saying it was bad news.
My mom was crying.
Everybody in the room was sad.
And once I heard the news, I was super mad.
They said, his
I never got to know him.
He died when I was six.
And after I heard,
I started feeling sick
thinking why it happened so soon.
I wanted to write a song
with a nice tune.
After days, months and years passed
I started to feel better,
but wish my dad knew I was so clever!!

Our Sponsor
North Florida Poetry Hub is a chapter of the Florida State Poets Association and was created by the local nonprofit Hope at Hand, Inc. to support and help the arts flourish for poets, writers and lovers of all things poetic and artistic in the North Florida region.
POETRY. WELLNESS. HOPE ~ Hope At Hand is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides art and poetry sessions to vulnerable and at-risk youth populations. Using creativity, language, art and therapeutic approaches, we facilitate healing and personal growth for children and adolescents.
Learn More: HopeAtHand.org
North Florida Poetry Hub is Funded in Part by Generous Donations From